Woke Boston Mayor Set to Allow 11-Year-Olds To Vote

2 mins read
Michelle Wu
Photo Credit: "Michelle Wu at 2013 Allston Brighton Parade" by ethan.long is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/?ref=openverse.

Boston’s progressive Mayor Michelle Wu is facing backlash from her own party over a “tone-deaf” proposal that would allow children as young as 11 and undocumented migrants to vote.


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The new participatory budget voting system, set to start in July, empowers Boston residents to decide on the expenditure of part of the city’s budget, according to the Boston Herald.

City Councilor Ed Flynn, a Democrat, criticized the new system, particularly the inclusion of children, during a committee meeting to review Wu’s fiscal year 2025 budget this week.

He also made his objections to the proposal known in a letter to the Office of Participatory Budgeting’s director, Renato Castelo, stating his “unequivocal and vehement opposition” to the system change.

Flynn said that “during this time of great fiscal uncertainty,” it’s “critical” for Boston lawmakers to show taxpayers that they take their “financial responsibilities seriously.”

The City Councilor cited a study that warned remote work polices and declining commercial real estate value could cost the city $500 million in annual revenue, as the city contemplates a proposal to tax commercial property at a higher rate.

“Allowing children to decide the usage of taxpayer dollars would do just the opposite and be viewed as tone-deaf, unserious, and wholly inappropriate by my constituents,” he jeered.
Boston’s participatory budgeting was initially approved by a ballot measure in 2021 and will go into effect in July.

Boston residents will have the authority to determine the use of $2 million in city funds after the Wu administration selects 15 community priorities for them to choose from.

Flynn argued that $2 million was far too “significant” due to the current economic conditions.

Wu, who has served as mayor of Boston since November 2021, also made headlines this week for advocating for some of the most basic criminal offenses to be beyond the reach of prosecution.

She wants charges such as drug possession and disorderly conduct to be off-limits to prosecution, along with other serious crimes like the receiving of stolen property and trespassing.

Other crimes Wu deemed unnecessary for prosecution include breaking and entering, wanton and malicious destruction of property, drug possession, and drug possesion with the intention to distribute.

The offenses are all on a ‘do-not-prosecute’ list created by former Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins, who advocated for the non-prosecution of more ‘low-level’ offenses.

In a 2021 Boston Mayoral Candidate Questionnaire from Progressive Massachusetts, a nonprofit organization that tracks and ranks how progressive elected officials are, Wu was asked if she supported Rollins’ list.

“Do you support the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office’s do-not-prosecute list and expanded approach to dealing with such low-level offenses? YES/NO?” Progressive Mass asked in its survey.

“Yes,” Wu responded.

When asked if she supported closing the Boston Police gang database, Wu again said yes.

She also suggested that the Boston Police Department should be “demilitarized,” and indicated that cops shouldn’t be allowed to used tear gas, rubber bullets, or attack dogs.

“Do you believe that affiliation or sympathies with white supremacist organizations among officers is a problem with BPD? YES/ NO If so, what measures would you take as mayor to combat that issue?” the questionnaire asked.

“Yes. I have advocated for terminating any [Boston Police Department] employees who were involved with the January 6th Capitol insurrection,” Wu replied.


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    • No, most of them have already crossed that threshold, in many, if not most, cases irrevocably!

  1. This mayor should rightly be recalled asap. The citizens of our country need to be more careful as to who they vote into positions of power unless their goal is to destroy the very communities and nation we live in.

    • YES! And any person voting for them is an idiot! Yes, an idiot!
      She wants charges such as drug possession and disorderly conduct to be off-limits to prosecution, along with other serious crimes like the receiving of stolen property and trespassing.

      Other crimes Wu deemed unnecessary for prosecution include breaking and entering, wanton and malicious destruction of property, drug possession, and drug possesion with the intention to distribute.

  2. I can see Wu’s (Wu in Chinese means Martial, as in Martial Law) lackets persuading Democrats who run daycare centers to lead the children they’re watch to register to vote; children of the rapidly multiplying Muslims registering to vote; children of Democrat parents being registered to vote and ALL voting Democrat as per their teachers’, parents’ instructions. There’s evil behind their insane policies.

    • The crazy thing is, a few elections down the road the Muslims will be getting rid of the “woke” democrats because they are just a means to an end.

  3. This is a fine example of “You get what you vote for, now you have to live with it dummies”

  4. 9The Mayor is brilliant yet she does not go far enough. Infants should be allowed to vote since statisticly they have the greatest long term interest in the health of the city, assuming a live time expectancy of 80+yrs. Conversely older people should have their vote reduced because of their reduced life expectancy. Further ALL crime should be ignored which would save millions of dollars from being spent on enforcement and incarceration

  5. A lot of 11-year-olds are a lot smarter than most of the politicians we currently have in office in blue states and cities.

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