
Trump Gets Brutally Honest on Abortion

1 min read

Former President Trump attacked the GOP’s messaging on abortion, and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ campaign responded.

Sitting down with NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday, Trump was pressed about whether or not he would sign a 15-week abortion ban.

“No, no. Let me just tell you what I’d do,” he said, interrupting the question being asked. “I’m going to come together with all groups, and we’re going to have something that’s acceptable.”

“I would sit down with both sides and I’d negotiate something, and we’ll end up with peace on that issue for the first time in 52 years. I’m not going to say I would or I wouldn’t,” he added.

While he called Democrats “radicals” on abortion, pointing out that some Democrat-led states like New York will intentionally neglect to give care to babies that survive birth (which has come to be known as a “post-birth abortion”), he also swung at DeSantis for passing a 6-week ban.

“I think what he did is a terrible thing and a terrible mistake,” Trump said of DeSantis. “But we’ll come up with a number, but at the same time, Democrats won’t be able to go out at six months, seven months, eight months and allow an abortion.”

“both sides, and this is a big statement, both sides will come together,” he finished.

DeSantis Calls Trump a ‘Sell Out’

DeSantis’ campaign responded to Trump’s comments on X, framing his comments as “selling out conservatives”.

“Trump says he will compromise with Democrats on abortion so that they’re nice to him: ‘Both sides are going to like me. Then he says it’s “a terrible thing” babies with heartbeats are protected in Iowa, Florida, and South Carolina. Ron DeSantis will never sell out conservatives to win praise from corporate media or the Left.”

Former Vice President Mike Pence also took issue with Trump’s framing of the issue.

“The former president actually suggested that we lost elections in the midterms because we overturned Roe v. Wade,” Pence said earlier this month. “I don’t believe that for a second.”

Polls continue to show Trump may have a point. Almost 50% of Republican voters believe abortion should be available for the first trimester, or 12 weeks, or pregnancy.

Support for abortion after the first trimester drops sharply across all Americans.


  1. Abortion at any time frame is unacceptable. Even in the case of rape. Why punish and kill the baby for the sin of the father. That evil.

    • No, not “in the case of rape or incest”; don’t dump that added shame and guilt on those victims! The babies are victims too. The ONLY excuse for feticide (it is NOT “abortion”!) is to save the physical life of the mother, when 2 lives will be lost through inaction, and 1 may be saved through action. Psychological issues need to be dealt with as such and managed through appropriate therapy. Murdering the baby for the sins of its parents is never an appropriate “solution”.

  2. 50% of Americans support abortion in the 1st trimester because they are not Christians. They may claim to be but they are definitely not —- that includes my own sister. A Christian understands that a soul is created by God at conception —— when else could that happen? At birth? Utter nonsense. Abortion is murdering God’s babies.

  3. Kill kill kill. The culture of death in America . What. do you think led to those two punks that ran over the ex police chief, and laughed while running away. Life is cheap to 50% of the country.

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