
Harris Reveals The Type Of Gun She Owns

2 mins read

Vice President Harris made headlines during a “60 Minutes” segment that aired Monday for discussing her gun ownership.

“I have a Glock, and I’ve had it for quite some time. And — I mean, look, Bill, my background is in law enforcement. And — so there you go,” she told Bill Whitaker.

When he asked if she had ever fired the weapon, she laughed him off. “At a shooting range. Yes, of course I have,” Harris remarked.

The Vice President repeatedly dodged Whitaker’s questions about whether she believed it was a “mistake” to allow a “flood” of illegal migrants into the country.

She tried to blame Congress for for failing to act on the first bill the Biden administration proposed to curb border crossings, and claimed Trump led the charge to kill it.

“It’s a longstanding problem,” Harris countered. “And solutions are at hand. And from day one, literally, we have been offering solutions.”

“What I was asking was, was it a mistake to kind of allow that flood to happen in the first place?” Whitaker cut her off.

“I think– the policies that we have been proposing are about fixing a problem, not promoting a problem, okay?” Harris retorted.

He tried to point out that border crossings have quadrupled under the Biden administration’s reign, but Harris interrupted and ended the line of questioning.

“But we need Congress to be able to act to actually fix the problem,” she contended.

Meanwhile, her running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, faced questions about claims he has made about being present during the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests.

“I think folks know who I am,” Walz insisted. “And I think they know the difference between someone expressing emotion, telling a story, getting a date wrong by–you–rather than a pathological liar like Donald Trump.”

Whitaker point out that the difference actually was whether Walz “can be trusted to tell the truth, which left Harris’ running mate sputtering.

“Yeah. Well– I can– I think I can,” Walz stuttered. “I will own up to being a knucklehead at times, but the folks closest to me know that I keep my word.”

The interview also saw Harris defending her policy changes and pricy economic plan.

Whitaker asked about her shifting stances on topics like fracking, immigration, and Medicare while questioning how her plans, which could add over $3 trillion to the federal deficit, would be funded.

Harris argued her proposals would bolster the economy, while she claimed Trump’s would be detrimental.

When the Vice President said that the wealthy would be made to pay their fair share of taxes, Whitaker pressed her about how she would push her plans through Congress.

Harris claimed lawmakers “know exactly” what she’s talking about because their “constituents are middle-class, hard-working folk.”

Harris refused to accept Whitaker’s suggestion that Congress might not support her plans.

“I am a devout public servant. You know that. I am also a capitalist. And I know the limitations of government,” she shot back.

Asked about her evolving positions on issues like fracking bans and immigration policy leniency, Harris reasoned that Americans may feel unfamiliar with her due to these changes.

“In the last four years I have been vice president of the United States. And I have been traveling our country,” Harris explained.

“And I have been listening to folks and seeking what is possible in terms of common ground. I believe in building consensus. We are a diverse people.”

“And what the American people do want is that we have leaders who can build consensus,” she added.

“Where we can figure out compromise and understand it’s not a bad thing, as long as you don’t compromise your values, to find common-sense solutions.”

Watch the full interview here:


  1. “background in law enforcement” eh? Tell us how many actual custodial arrests you made in your ‘stellar’ career, never mind actually rolling around in the mud and the blood and the beer or making a death notification in the middle of the night. I’ll wait – nah who am I kidding, she ain’t gonna reply. What she said is very insulting to those of us who have been there done that and got the t-shirt.

  2. Heartless Harris ignores the pleas from Americans, while buying Zelinski a new beach home! It’s unconscionable to prioritize other countries before your own!
    This person has no emotion, no remorse for those killed or displaced by hurricanes. This is NOT A LEADER!
    She is the new brain-dead puppet of the Leftist onslaught!

  3. She may have been issued a Glock when she was DA. She has never USED it for anything beyond require qualification.
    Actual willing gun owners would say more than the MAKE of their gun. The model and/or caliber is the minimum answer.

  4. Harris is a slimy, shyster attorney who climbed the ladder using her female talents not on merit. She is not “law enforcement” and wouldn’t know which end of her Glock the bullet comes out. She is a liar and everything her PR firm(mainstream media ) tells you about the “new” Kamala is a lie.

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