
Biden Remains Shaky in ‘Big Boy’ Press Conference

1 min read

President Joe Biden stumbled through his so-called “big boy press conference” Thursday night after multiple delays.

The conference was his first formal solo meeting with the press since 2002.

After an inquiry from Bloomberg’s Justin Sink on types of questions Biden would take, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre promised it would be a “big boy press conference”.

The nickname stuck.

It was set to begin at 5:30pm in DC, but was delayed to 6:30pm “due to the NATO schedule” and did not ultimately begin until 7:30pm, meaning clips of Biden’s gaffes were not prepared in time to air on popular evening news programs.

Pushing dangerously close to his rumored bedtime, Biden immediately blundered his response to the first question.

“I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president did I think she was not qualified to be president,” Biden said, confusing his running mate with opponent.

Just hours earlier he made a similar error at the NATO conference, introducing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as “President Putin” before awkwardly correcting himself by explaining he had been focusing too much on defeating Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Biden took questions from ten different reporters for under an hour, though not before stating he had been given a list of journalists to call on which caused speculation the questions may have been submitted in advance.

The Damage Control That Wasn’t

Though the White House hoped the press conference would calm calls for Biden to be replaced, he faced renewed criticism just minutes after its conclusion.

“Today I ask President Biden to withdraw from the presidential campaign,” Representative Scott Peters (D-CA), wrote in a statement. “The stakes are high, and we are on a losing course.”

Representative Jim Himes (D-CT), the top Democrat on the Intelligence Committee, followed suit on X.

“Unreal,” said one House Democrat watching the appearance, responding to the vice president mix up.

Yet it wasn’t all negative.

“Looks and sounds 100x better than he did at debate,” one House Democrat said in a text.

A senior Democratic aide said the conference left only one conclusion: “It’s time to suck it up and push the old man over the finish line.


  1. Does it ever occur to a democrat that the biden blunders are not a result of dementia, they are simply a manifestation of his root ailment which is monolithic stupidity.

  2. Maybe my conspiratorial nature is overboard, but I don’t think Biden had the same earlobes at the debate and the press conference! I’m looking for video to compare.
    Did it seem like the same person to you?

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