
Georgia Rep. Mike Collins’ ‘Laken Riley Act’ Will Force DHS Take Criminal Migrants Into Custody

1 min read

Representative Mike Collins (R-GA) is set to introduce a bill aimed at tightening regulations around migrants who have been arrested or convicted of certain crimes.

The bill, designated as the “Laken Riley Act,” is inspired by the tragic death of 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley, who was brutally murdered last month in Athens, Georgia.

The suspect in Riley’s murder is Jose Antonio Ibarra, a 26-year-old Venezuelan national residing illegally in the United States.

Authorities encountered Ibarra previously when he was cited for shoplifting and again when he failed to present himself in court regarding the incident.

Although a bench warrant was out for Ibarra’s arrest, he remained at large until the murder charges were brought against him.

Following these events, Collins, the congressman from the district where the murder occurred on campus at the University of Georgia, is proposing legislation focused on preventing future tragedies.

Set for presentation to the House Rules Committee on March 5, the Laken Riley Act will charge the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with the responsibility of detaining illegal aliens implicated in crimes such as burglary, theft, larceny, or shoplifting.

The bill specifies that DHS is to issue an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainer for any migrant who faces local charges and is not already in the custody of local or state authorities, or federal officials.

This step is intended to ensure deportable offenses are tracked and acted upon reliably.

Jose Antonio Ibarra first entered the U.S. through the Mexico border in September 2022 and was subsequently set free inside the country.

He later found himself in legal trouble in New York City when he was arrested and charged over his conduct involving a child.

Even before ICE could issue a detainer, Ibarra was released from jail in the sanctuary city.

He would reappear on law enforcement’s radar after shoplifting $200 worth from a Walmart in Athens, which ultimately led to a bench warrant for not appearing in court in December 2023.


  1. this should have been done a long time ago there here illegally throw them out or feed them to the sharks

  2. Does not go far enough. Right now the current law is that anyone entering this country illegally is to be arrested; follow the law! Why wait until they commit a criminal act…and caught, arrested. Send the illegals to a stockade in the frozen tundra of Alaska.

  3. Instead of JUST charging the DHS with the responsibility, the PRESIDENT should be literally held responsible for any crimes committed by the illegal aliens.

  4. I’d like to see Traitor Joe veto this bill…

    But it will be filibustered in the Senate by the power hungry Donkeys.

  5. Georgia Rep. Mike Collins’ ‘Laken Riley Act’ Will Force DHS Take Criminal Migrants Into Custody

    The bill would require, not force, the arrests. Existing law already requires the same, and is ignored.

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