
Lead Prosecutor Against Trump Goes Wild on Stand

1 min read

The top prosecutor against former President Donald Trump’s case in Georgia nearly melted down on the witness stand amid an ethics inquiry into her prior relationship.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis lashed out at defense attorneys as she was questioned about her former romantic relationship with a special prosecutor who was brought in to help run the case, Nathan Wade.

Attorneys for Trump argued the relationship presented a clear conflict of interest because Wade allegedly used income from his work on the case to pay for international vacations he took with Willis.

Willis initially refused to testify, and the judge now hearing her case seemed compelled to allow her refusal, but she suddenly stormed into the courtroom on Thursday and declared she would take the stand.

She then went on often unprompted rants into the details of her trips with Wade, including numerous travels together in 2021, the year she turned 50 years old.

Willis declared she prefers Grey Goose vodka over wine, told the court her father urged her to keep thousands of dollars in cash in her home at all times, and described ultimately breaking up with Wade in 2023 over a disagreement about his views about women.

“He told me one time: ‘The only thing a woman can do for me is make me a sandwich,’” Willis recalled of Wade.

She also grew testy at points, at one point saying to attorney Ashleigh Merchant, “Don’t get cute with me.”

The judge, Scott McAfee, did not seem amused by her raving, warning that he would strike portions of her testimony from the record if she continued her tangential commentary.

Thursday’s hearing ended in the middle of Willis’ testimony, and it will continue with her on the stand Friday morning.

If McAfee ultimately decides to remove her from the case, her entire office would be disqualified, which would cause a huge disruption to Trump’s case – if it does not derail it altogether.


  1. I watched the testimony and she sounded like a back woman with biased attitude. She has no legitimate explanation so she resorts to a typical offensive move of deflection using non relevant subject matter. If there was ever A lawyer guilty of abuse of our legal system for political purposes she fits the description. Losing her licence to practice law should be in her future.

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