
Marjorie Taylor Greene Believed to be Expelled

1 min read

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has apparently been kicked out of the House Freedom Caucus, but it isn’t clear whether she has been told.

Nearly two weeks ago, the House Freedom Caucus met to take a vote on ousting Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) which was apparently successful.

But a Republican source said, while Chairman Scott Perry (R-PA) and Greene have had multiple conversations since then, he has not directly told her that she has been kicked out of the caucus.

A different source who spoke under the condition of anonymity said Perry has avoided the subject with Greene because he wants to have that conversation in person, which will likely happen next week.

The caucus was allegedly upset with Greene for her support of Kevin McCarthy’s ultimately successful bid for Speaker. They also reportedly took issue with the verbal spat between her and Representative Lauren Boebert (R-CO) on the House floor.

A third source said the vote went overwhelmingly in favor of expelling Greene from the caucus.

The vote became public after comments made by Representative Andy Harris (R-MD), another member of the caucus.

“The vote was taken to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from the House Freedom Caucus for some of the things she’s done,” he told reporters in the Capitol on Thursday.

“The way she referred to a fellow member was probably not the way we expect our members to refer to other fellow, especially female, members,” he said.

However, there is some speculation that the vote may not have had enough members present for a quorum, or the minimum number needed for a vote to be official.

Some source have called the vote “a mess” and say they expect the caucus to hold another vote on Greene’s membership when lawmakers return from recess next week.

In a statement after the news broke, Greene implied she did not need the House Freedom Caucus, but did not confirm or deny her explusion.

“In Congress, I serve Northwest Georgia first, and serve no group in Washington,” she said.

“I will work with ANYONE who wants to secure our border, protect our children inside the womb and after they are born, end the forever foreign wars, and do the work to save this country.”

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