
Kamala Harris Obtains Unprecedented Fundraising Support

1 min read

One of the nation’s most notorious political groups is preparing an astounding investment into Vice President Kamala Harris during her 2024 campaign with President Joe Biden.

The political action committee EMILY’s List says it will spend “tens of millions of dollars” to prop up the vice president in spite of her consistently low approval ratings.

The PAC was established as an organization to elect female Democrat candidates who support abortions.

That level of funding for a sitting vice president is virtually unheard of and reflects the lack of support Harris has received from broader political efforts.

The PAC expects to defend Harris from Republican candidates who will surely use the possibility of her becoming president as a point on the trail against current President Joe Biden, the oldest in history.

“She is a boogeyman that Republicans can use when it comes to pushing their message,” a senior Republican strategist said, speaking anonymously to Politico.

“A President Harris would be even worse than a President Biden because she campaigned as a progressive fighter and had to moderate herself when she became Biden’s running mate.”

Laphonza Butler, the president of EMILY’s List, said its campaign would “remind” voters of who Harris was as she attempted her own run for president before becoming Biden’s ticketmate.

“We’re going to tell the story about who she is, what she’s done, support her at every turn and really push back against the massive misinformation and disinformation that’s been directed towards her since she’s been elected,” said Butler.

When asked where the money would go, Butler alluded to the same kind of influencer campaign Biden’s team has been using.

“Some age groups and demographics get their information from things like YouTube or from TikTok. For some demographics, they are much more interpersonal and in terms of how they get and disseminate information.”


  1. So they want to elect “pro abortion Democrat female”? Is there any other kind of Democrat woman out there? And, if so, where have they been hiding?

  2. Regardless of how much money is spent, Kamala Harris has been a disaster as Vice
    President. The President should drop her from the ticket asap. If he doesn’t he increases dramatically his chances of losing at the polls in November of 2024. The cackler is the
    the gift that continues to give for the Republicans.

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