
Senator Claims Trump Town Hall Gave Him Medical Condition

1 min read
Chris Coons press conference

Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) escalated the Democrat criticism of CNN’s town hall with Trump, claiming it caused him mental and psychological distress.

Democrat lawmakers and commentators responded with predictable outrage to Trump’s town hall with CNN.

But one Democrat senator took it further than the rest of his colleagues.

Senator Chris Coons of Delaware appeared on CNN the next day, saying, “As someone who was at the Cleveland presidential debate where President Trump ran right over Chris Wallace … I had a little bit of PTSD watching that last night.”

“I can’t imagine why anyone is surprised that they thought former President Trump would be any more normal, would follow any guardrails.”

Coons is the co-chair of President Joe Biden’s 2024 reelection campaign.

“I do think this helps define what a general election season between President Biden, who will continue to be rational, normal, orderly president, and former President Trump, who treats the presidency as entertainment and as a wrestling cage match,” he said.

Biden’s campaign used Trump’s town hall performance to fundraise, tweeting a link to a donation page shortly after it aired that asked, “Do you want four more years of that?”

CNN Takes the Brunt of the Criticism

While former President Trump took heat from critics for his remarks during the town hall, his comments were largely expected.

As such, the network that hosted him has taken even more criticism for its decision.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has been among the most vocal, saying CNN should “be ashamed”.

“CNN should be ashamed of themselves,” she tweeted. “They have lost total control of this ‘town hall’ to again be manipulated into platforming election disinformation, defenses of Jan 6th, and a public attack on a sexual abuse victim. The audience is cheering him on and laughing at the host.”

According to final ratings from Nielsen, the town hall drew 3.3 million viewers to make CNN the most-watched cable news network of the night.


  1. AOC is right, CNN should be ashamed of how the Town Hall with Donald Trump was conducted. The moderator pulled a Chris Wallace, but with more contempt for President Trump. She asked most of the questions and only a half dozen attendees were chosen to ask questions.
    She starred daggers at Trump and showed absolutely no professionalism as a commentator. If that’s the best CNN has to offer it is no wonder they have so few viewers. (comparatively).

    • Well said! The commentator totally blew me away with her stern looks at Trump. He was right….she was nasty! But it is CNN…what can you expect?

      • Everyday I see the contempt & hatred for the American people. President Trump is RIGHT about everything he says. He speaks the truth & is a very intelligent caring man. The evil socialist dems show their dislike for US all day long. My President gives them a SMILE.
        LOVE IT!!

  2. Sorry, mr coons, but no, that town hall did not “make” you suffer anything; that was your choice to allow those words to distress you. You SHOULD know many others find YOUR words equally distressful, when you attack our core beliefs and feelings, along with your pals on the left, we just choose to not twist that into something it is not, and whine about it to the world like spoiled children, as you just did! It’s past time you grow up or go back to the sandbox and toy trucks! Yhwh God warned us to not trust our “feelings” because the heart is deceitful above all things; you just reaffirmed the truth of that warning.

  3. How dare he compare the effect of words he doesn’t like with the real PTSD suffered by our heroes in uniform. Shameful and disgusting.

  4. Coons hasn’t been “right” mentally, psychologically or morally for a long time. A little man trying to be relevant.

  5. To the Dishonorable mr.Coons,
    If you are that “Sensitive” to CNN Town Hall” presentations you might consider watching the other channels that are available to you, or maybe you have more Hormones working against your “normal senses” causing this distress or maybe you are not distressed at all but just frustrated that President Trump “Stood his Ground” and Came out AGAIN “Smelling like a Rose” Maybe you just need a “Real Job” and you might consider Working for a living !

  6. coons is a traitor, plain and simple. I hope he begins a short course of antipsychotics. I say “short” because, after the fifth dose, if all is right, he blows his worthless brains out!

  7. Get over it Coons. Politics is tough when both sides only have self or party interest. How about including America?

  8. What a whiny twit of a man. Always blaming their shortcomings on someone else. Coons hasn’t been normal for a very long time…since he decided he would be a progressive DEMonrat. Mentally disturbed Coons need to seek a therapist for his psychological issues immediately. If a TV show can rock his psyche then he is worse than worse. It’s so laughable to hear he had a meltdown from hearing Trump speak. Better get ready Coons, Trump is getting ready to speak MORE and MORE. TRUMP 2024 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Coon’s statement is a perfect example of how deeply distorted are Democrat brains. Complete praise for a president that has spent his presidency lying to the people. Further, corrupt beyond belief. Our country is on the brink of becoming a third world nation. How is that all these believed lived 4 years and a way better America and dish out this garbage.

  10. Coons, talk about delusional. You are describing yourself. I think we need to get the therapists lined up for you and your colleagues. Trump hate is alive and not well.

  11. If that is the situation, then he had a medical pre-existing medical condition, and has developed a new one, incurable stupidity.

  12. Poor Chris Coons now he had ‘PTSD’ watching Trump on CNN. Well, I was also effected by the town meeting. It gave me h**d on. The Dems all up in arms about a liberal outlet giving Trump a stage to make his points.

  13. Good Coons. I hope it’s serious to be Terminal, you glad handing Sack of Schit.

  14. If the Senator had a medical condition after the town hall, he had it before the town hall. Mentally healthy people don’t suffer mental distress because someone they disagree with expresses their views.

  15. How would a Democrat recognize normal? Biden was a crook before he became demented. How can any Senator or Representative sit in congress and view inflation, the border, crime, dementia, Afghanistan debacle, DOJ, the FBI, or the myriad of crap coming from DC today, and consider it normal.
    Trumps, over due attempt to “drain the swamp” has turned Dems, RINO’s, and all liberals into Jelly Brains. You are not voting the interest of the US citizen, Your voting to preserve rights to your own criminal activities!

  16. The left can’t stand the fact that Trump stands his ground and does not allow them to defeat him! That seems to cause them such stress! TDS runs deep!

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