
Democrats Target Key House Seat After Narrow Loss

1 min read

Democrats are plotting to take down Representative Lauren Boebert (R-CO) once and for all after coming dangerously close to defeating her in one of the most surprising midterm election last year.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) revealed it considers Boebert’s seat an intended target for 2024, despite former President Trump easily winning the district in the past two presidential elections.

Democrats plan to hit at her somewhat frequent media antics and continued closeness to the MAGA movement.

“One of our most effective comments that we talked about in the district was she’s not focused on the job, she’s focused on herself,” said Adam Frisch, who is running against her again after nearly unseating her last year.

“I can’t believe she had almost the most embarrassing loss in 20 years and she hasn’t changed one iota. She’s actually doubled down on crazy.”

After defeating 10-year-incumbent Scott Topton in the Republican primary, Boebert rose the ranks of Republican stars.

She aligned herself closely with Trump and developed a firebrand style on social issues, including comments about Muslim Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN).

“She took that very combative style to her everyday work in the U.S. House of Representatives,” said former Chair of the Colorado Republican Party Dick Wadhams.

“I think it started the people in the third congressional district thinking that she wasn’t paying enough attention to the district as she was paying more attention to national politics.”

Frisch, meanwhile, is attempting to cast himself as a moderate Democrat focused on economic-focused issues like agriculture and energy production.

In a sharp rebuke of his party, he leaned toward the Republican point of view on entitlement spending, saying Congress needs to evaluate the long-term viability of Social Security and Medicare.

Still, he’ll have a tough fight in 2024 in a district that Trump carried by 12 points in 206 and 6 points in 2020.

“He will be forced to expose where he really is on these issues,” Wadhams said. “He will be pressured by his left wing in the Democratic party. They do not want anybody to put any distance between their agenda and getting elected to Congress.”

Boebert responded to the criticism by pointing out her legislative victories.

“I think I’ve been surprising my detractors by introducing and passing a growing list of bipartisan legislation and amendments. The success I’m achieving legislatively is proving my efforts to change the rules are helping make Congress more effective and our country stronger,” she said.

1 Comment

  1. The reason a lot of her constituents voted for Trump and Lauren initially was the Life issue, related to their Christian beliefs about the value of human life, including the unborn. Lauren needs to stop making stupid comments related to Christianity if she hopes to keep her seat. I guarantee the Christians in her district (a sizable number) were lukewarm this last election based on the following comment alone. Jesus himself stopped Peter from continuing to try to defend him with a sword, saying that he (Jesus) could ask his Father and thousands of angels would come to his defense. But, he did not ask since his main reason for coming to earth was to die for the sins of many… https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3528049-boebert-jesus-didnt-have-enough-ar-15s-to-keep-his-government-from-killing-him/

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